Carers Pathways gives unpaid carers a regular break by providing interesting and meaningful activities for those they care for.

Carers Pathways is a group of local organisations in Ealing working together to give unpaid carers a regular break.  It might be through a 1-2-1 befriender spending time in their home, having a chat or playing cards; or they might go out for a walk or to a coffee shop.  Alternatively, we offer a wide range of activities in the community, including gentle exercise, therapeutic and relaxation sessions; a chance to learn a new skill such as IT, English as a second language, sewing or Maths; and social activities such as games, music and dancing
So whilst the person you care for is enjoying time with others or taking part in activities, you can get time to yourself outside of caring.  And when you return home, you will both feel relaxed and rejuvenated for the coming week.

Who is Carers Pathways for?

Our sessions are open to anyone over 18 with moderate health and care needs who is supported by a carer living in Ealing. 

If the person you are looking after had higher support needs or requires personal care, there is a similar, paid-for service, offered by Dementia Concern or The Asian Health Agency (TAHA).

How can I get support?

You do not need a referral to get support from Carers Pathways. Simply contact us and tell us about the person you care for, so we can make sure they get the most appropraite support and you get the break you need.

You can call us on 0203137 6194 or email us at

What activities does Carers Pathways provide?

Activities provided by the different organisations include specific sessions for people from Asian and Armenian communities or those living with Dementia, Mental Health issues or other physical health conditions. Sessions are held at the Southall Day Centre, Hayashen Centre, Sycamore Lodge in Acton and other venues across Ealing.  Some sessions can offer a hot meal and transport to and from the centre.

Find out more about the charities who are part of Carers Pathways and the support available.

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